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My Blog - Posts and Rants - Last Update : 01/25/16 16:36




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Well, I've been at this since 1999. It all began as a means to share dirty pics, funny stories, some of my personal views on things, and a way to share family photos to a very large, and spread out family. It became a sort of personal diary for me. The Musings blog proved to be the driving force behind the creation of Facebook & Instagram (at least that's my opinion ;-)). I clearly crossed some fine lines from time to time, but hey, it's my diary, and I'd write what I liked. Anyone remember the RNB-->CSC-->HSBC 'experience' and the rants I'd go on about ? It was fun to post and share pics of my kids as they grew up, and as we had our family experiences. Times are different. My kids are adults, and their children and lives, aren't my kids or my life. Individual exposure is a new concern, and I respect that and must adjust accordingly. The Musings will begin to morph into something more suitable for the times. That means more pics of animals, sights, and the usual 'WTF was that ?' type of pic. And less pics of the family. How long that continues, who knows. After a while, all the birds, squirrels and buildings look the same anyway. It will be like detoxing for me, but I need to wean myself off of certain things. Will stop the BD, anniversary shout outs, or at least use a bit more discretion, which was never a strength of mine. I can't be just half OCD ... I wrote what I felt, when I felt it, if I wanted to, and it all kind of flows in these ebbs and waves ... I will look to clean up and re-organize this landing page, so it's a little more streamlined. Less fluff, more good stuff ... Wish me luck, and be patient. I'm a procrastinator by nature…

bullet And if by chance I’ve offended you. Well, believe what you want, that was never my intent. Yes, I’m an asshole, but at least I know it.


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  Ron Winchester - American Hero  benhguestbook    In memory - Nicholas L. Leone  Eric Hatschbach Memorial 
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My Blog - Posts and Rants

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"...It has to start somewhere, It has to start sometime ; What better place than here ? , What better time than now ?" (ratm)








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This site was last updated 01/25/16


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